Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Serial Key For All The Trial Software

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Posted By @Ucup_bulldog22.04

Hack Pulsa Voucher Im3 Generator New Update

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Software Ini Membuat anda gampang mendapakan pulsa IM3

dengan software ini anda mendapatkan pulsa IM3 dengan cara cuma cuma

Cara :

1.Klik Tombol Generat

2.Cari Kode Voucher Terserah

3.Coba Masukkan Code nya

4.Cek Pulsa


Jangan Lupa Komenta Yha,,, 

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog20.36

Software Speed Accelerators

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Koneksi internet lambat pasti membuat kamu kesal dan pusing, serasa pengen membanting modem kamu, tp itu gak mungkin karena modem yang kamu beli itu mahal hehehehe. Untuk alasan ini, untuk mengoptimalkan pengaturan hampir dianggap suatu keharusan – terutama sejak optimasi dalam hal kecepatan tidak datang dengan biaya tambahan, baik perpanjangan hardware atau untuk perangkat lunak, namun beberapa utilitas dapat men-tweak dan Internet mengoptimalkan pengaturan untuk kamu.

Berikut adalah beberapa utilitas yang bisa tuneup internet pengaturan yang sulit ditemukan di registry windows. kamu akan menemukan ini dan membantu dalam mengoptimalkan kecepatan internet kamu.

1. Ashampoo Internet Accelerator 3

Ashampoo Internet Accelerator analisis komputer kamu dan mengoptimalkan semua pengaturan yang terkait dengan satu klik.Kamu tidak perlu tahu apa-apa, cukup pilih pengoptimasi otomatis dan kamu sudah selesai. Ini juga termasuk koneksi internet berkecepatan alat tes sehingga kamu dapat menguji kinerja kamu secara langsung. Selain optimasi otomatis maju pengguna masih dapat mengakses semua individu dan menyesuaikan pengaturan secara manual untuk mempercepat internet.


2. SpeedConnect

SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator adalah sebuah aplikasi Windows yang kuat dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan koneksi jaringan kamu dan mempercepat semua aktivitas internet kamu. Hal ini berarti koneksi internet lebih cepat, lebih cepat browsing dan email, download yang lebih cepat, lebih cepat game online, meningkatkan koneksi Skype. Datang dengan kedua versi bayar dan gratis. Untuk men-download versi gratis klik link yang diberikan di kanan atas dari situs resmi.


3. Internet Accelerator

Internet Accelerator meningkatkan berbagai pengaturan konfigurasi yang secara langsung mempengaruhi jaringan kamu dan kecepatan koneksi internet. Ini menawarkan sejumlah fitur yang terbatas tapi untuk pemula setting ini cukup untuk melihat kecepatan koneksi internet.


4. TCP Optimizer

TCP Optimizer adalah gratis, mudah Windows program yang menyediakan antarmuka intuitif untuk tuning dan mengoptimalkan koneksi Internet kamu. Tidak ada diperlukan instalasi, hanya men-download dan menjalankan. Program ini dapat membantu baik pemula dan pengguna advance dalam mengutak-atik terkait TCP / IP parameter dalam Windows Registry, sehingga mudah untuk menyempurnakan sistem kamu dengan jenis koneksi internet yang digunakan.


5. BeFaster

BeFaster adalah alat optimasi koneksi. Ini membantu kamu untuk mempercepat internet kamu. Selain fitur utama, bangun koneksi diskors dan mencegah koneksi tetes. Melalui alat unik ‘Super-Ping’, mencegah tetes koneksi sehingga kamu dapat menikmati browsing seemless dan men-download.


Posted By @Ucup_bulldog20.34

N3 BlackBerry Engineering Screen Key Generator

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Gambar Terposting

Please follow this link for detail (sorry for external link -- will be update).


1. On your home screen, press following key to open "Help Me!" screen: ALT + CAPS + H
Lampiran Gambar: 01_help_me.PNG

2. Open the "BlackBerry E-Screen Key Generator" and enter the data (PIN, Version and Uptime) that appears on "Help Me!" screen.

Lampiran Gambar: 02_keygen.PNG

3. Select Engineering Screen lifetime. This meant that how long Engineering Screen will be displayed on your "Help Me!" screen.

4. Press "GENERATE" button and it will show the code to open BlackBerry Engineering Screen.

5. Type generated code on "Help Me!" screen. If the code is correct then BlackBerry Engineering Screen will show immediately.

Lampiran Gambar: 03_e-screen.jpg


We do not accept responsibility for any interference or damage to your own computer system or BlackBerry handheld which arises in connection with your use of this tools or any linked website. Do it on your risk!


- twitcurl (HMAC SHA1 C++ classes @
- Research In Motion (BlackBerry icon)


File Terlampir 

File Terlampir  

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog07.29

SoftWare Pembuat Gambar Animasi

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Easy GIF Animator v5.0.0.40 Professional Mediafire | 4.94 Mb
Easy GIF Animator v5.0.0.40 Professional Mediafire version of powerful program that is easy to use and to create and edit animated GIF files. This is a great tool you can easily create animated pictures, banners and buttons. Can use special features to add interesting visual effects and prepare your animation for publishing on the Internet. This program supports all types of GIF animation and provides high compression ratio and excellent quality of your animated image. The latest version of the program has a built-in image editor, banner wizard and special features to enhance your productivity at work. 4-Bang Full Premium Software Mediafire

Easy GIF Animator v5.0.0.40 Professional Mediafire Features:

* Easily create animated banners, pictures and buttons

* Create animated GIF images from scratch
* Edit and modify animated GIF images
* Add visual effects to your GIF animation
* Create moving text effects
* Optimize animated GIF images so they take less space and load faster
* Preview GIF animation in web browser
* Resize whole animations at once
* Manage animation frames
* Set animation loop count and frame duration
* Extract separate animation frames
* Reverse GIF animation or a portion of it
* Easily set transparency
* and much more...

Download Link :
Media Fire

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog07.24

cara memasukkan KEYLOGGER kedalam cheat

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CATATAN: Tutorial ini hanya untuk tujuan Pendidikan yaitu untuk membuat Anda sadar hacker dapat hack account .
Dengan ini juga kalian bisa tau bagaimana keylogger bekerja didalam cheat PB, Dll....
Tolong jangan menyalahgunakan trick ini. Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh Anda.

Langkah-langkah untuk hack account menggunakan keylogger:

1. Membuat Server keylogger untuk hack password.

2. Ekstrak Icon dari installer.
3. Bind server keylogger dengan setup perangkat lunak.
4. Bagaimana untuk menyebarkan keylogger Anda atau mengirimkannya ke teman Anda untuk hack ID atau password.

Langkah 1 : Bikin server

1. Buka keylogger. Ini berisi dua file satu untuk email gmail dan lainnya untuk password. Untuk membuat satu account di Gmail uji dan masukkan rincian itu dalam hal ini.

2. Setelah memasukkan email dan password. Setel interval waktu biasanya ditetapkan 3 menit yaitu setelah berapa banyak waktu yang Anda inginkan untuk menerima log dari pengguna.

3. Sekarang klik pada mengirim email verifikasi. Mail ini adalah untuk menguji bahwa keylogger Anda bekerja dengan benar atau tidak.

4. Setelah Anda mengklik ini Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi di test account yang akan mengkonfirmasi keylogger yang bekerja.

5. Sekarang klik generate untuk mengatur mutex tersebut (setiap kunci rahasia untuk membuat keylogger Anda FUD) dan kemudian klik pada compile server.

6. Sekarang simpan file ke desktop atau di lokasi lain pilihan Anda. Sekarang server Anda sudah siap.

Langkah 2 : Bind server keylogger dengan cheat

1. Sekarang Pergi ke folder keylogger dan buka Binder.

2. Sekarang Klik pada tombol + diberikan di bawah ini untuk menambahkan file.

3. Sekarang tambahkan server keylogger dan mengatur perangkat lunak (misalnya dalam kasus kami itu cheat PB hasil bikinian atau download ).

4. Sekarang di menu Binder, Ke Pengaturan. Ada pilih ikon yang kita telah dihasilkan pada langkah sebelumnya dan menetapkan lokasi file output seperti yang ditunjukkan gambar di dlm tutorial.

5. Sekarang pergi lagi ke menu File di Binder dan klik pada file Bind.

6. Sekarang keylogger binded Anda sudah siap. Sekarang Anda harus menyebarkan atau kirimkan ke korban dengan cara share cheat ke teman2,blog atau forum.

Download Program dan Tutorialnya

Pass Rar : Join My Group Here

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog07.21

Cara membuat Jaringan Lan Dengan BlueTooth

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ternyata bluetooth juga selain untuk berkirim dan menerima data juga bisa dijadikan untuk LAN atau sering disebut local area network atau dalam bahasa indonesianya disebut jaringan..
untuk membuat jaringan dengan bluetooth caranya seperti ini:

1.siapkan 2 buah bluetooth(kalo kita hanya ingin membuat jaringan dengan 2 komputer) beserta drivernya

2.pasang bluetooth di USB computer lalu install bluetooth seperti biasa..

3.jika installasi sudah sukses..biasanya akan muncul icon bluetooth di tray bar.kalo warnanya sudah putih berarti bluetooth aktif dan siap digunakan.tapi jika masih merah berarti bluetooth belum aktif.maka yang harus kita lakukan adalah klik kanan iconnya lalu pilih start bluetooth device.

4.coba pairing(menghubungkan) antara 1 computer dengan computer lain.caranya klik kanan icon bluetooth pilih quick connect-network acces-other device..silakan tuggu sebentar,bluetooth sedang mencari perangkat yang aktif..jika ada perangkat yang aktif maka akan muncul nama komputer,klik nama komputer itu.biasanya saat pertama kali pairing akan diminta memasukkan code tertentu..masukkan saja sembarang code tapi ingat code yang dimasukkan harus sama antara satu komputer dengan komputer lainnya...

5.Jika sukses maka akan keluar tulisan "created network with..."

6.sekarang komputer anda sudah siap untuk saling bertukar data.

7.tapi biasanya untuk sharing internet masih belum bisa.kita harus melakukan settingan tertentu.. caranya pilih control panel-network connection-pilih coneksi yang kamu pakai,trus klik kanan pilih properties-advanced.disana akan ada pilihan internet connection sharing.aktifkan pilihan "allow other network users to connect through this computer internet's connection"..lalu di kotak home network connection pilih "bluetooth network"

nah sekarang anda sudah bisa berjelajah di dunia internet dengan dua komputer tanpa di repotkan dengan kabel

catatan:biasanya untuk setiap bluetooth pilihannya berbeda beda.tapi pada intinya yang penting ada pilihan network acces,berarti bluetooth itu bisa dijadikan jaringan..

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog07.19

Cemas Smart XCIV (25 Feb 2012) WH+HS+1Hit+Burst+Amno+Speed+Invisible kill+Replace Weapon

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klik gambar dibawah ini utk download (CEMAS SMART)

[Image: mediumgadaibbblogcom.jpg]

kredit, fitur, hoy keys & tutor ada didalam

Virtot : 
AhnLab-V3 - None
AntiVir TR/Dropper.Gen5 None
Antiy-AVL Trojan/Win32.Nilage.gen None
Avast - None
AVG Dropper.Generic5.AMTR.dropper None
BitDefender Gen:Variant.Zusy.Elzob.518 20120223
ByteHero - None
CAT-QuickHeal - 20120222
ClamAV - None
Commtouch W32/VBInject.BG.gen!Eldorado None
Comodo - None
DrWeb Tool.Siggen.7336 20120223
Emsisoft Gen.Variant.Kazy!IK None
eSafe - None
eTrust-Vet - 20120222
F-Prot W32/VBInject.BG.gen!Eldorado 20120222
F-Secure Gen:Variant.Zusy.Elzob.518 None
Fortinet - None
GData Gen:Variant.Zusy.Elzob.518 None
Ikarus Gen.Variant.Kazy None
Jiangmin Heur:Trojan/InjectDll None
K7AntiVirus Riskware None
Kaspersky not-a-virus:HackTool.Win32.Agent.heur None
McAfee - None
McAfee-GW-Edition - None
Microsoft - 20120222
NOD32 a variant of Win32/HackTool.Inject.O None
Norman W32/Troj_Generic.ADUUU.dropper 20120222
nProtect - None
Panda - None
PCTools - None
Prevx - 20120225
Rising - 20120223
Sophos - 20120223
SUPERAntiSpyware - None
Symantec - None
TheHacker - 20120222
TrendMicro - None
TrendMicro-HouseCall - None
VBA32 - 20120222
VIPRE - None
ViRobot - None
VirusBuster - None

Jamu :
Jamu Komplit (D3DX9_41.dll + d3dx9_42.dll + D3DX9_43.dll + msvcp100.dll + msvcp100d.dll + msvcr100.dll + msvcr100d.dll)

Framework 3.5

Framework 4

Microsoft Visual C 2008

Microsoft Visual C 2010






DirectX End-User Runtime

Aplikasi Wajib

[Image: images4.jpg]

Deep Freeze V7 serial

[Image: images2.jpg]


Aplikasi Pendukung

[Image: folderlocklogopng.jpg]

Folder Lock Serial

[Image: GameBooster3.jpg]

Game Booster Serial

[Image: my-lockbox-pro-v238.jpg]

My Lock Box Pro Serial

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog00.10

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Media N3

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Gambar Terposting

Download :
Log Virus Scan
File name       : Media_Nyit-Nyit.NET.exeSubmission date : 2010-11-10 23:30:22 (UTC)
Current status  : queued queued analysing finishedResult          : 0/ 43 (0.0%)


Antivirus               Version                 Last Update             Result
AhnLab-V3               2010.11.11.00           2010.11.10              -
AntiVir                    2010.11.10              -
Antiy-AVL                      2010.11.10              -
Authentium                     2010.11.10              -
Avast                   4.8.1351.0              2010.11.10              -
Avast5                  5.0.594.0               2010.11.10              -
AVG                          2010.11.10              -
BitDefender             7.2                     2010.11.11              -
CAT-QuickHeal           11.00                   2010.11.09              -
ClamAV                        2010.11.10              -
Comodo                  6678                    2010.11.10              -
DrWeb                      2010.11.10              -
Emsisoft                      2010.11.10              -
eSafe                         2010.11.09              -
eTrust-Vet              36.1.7967               2010.11.10              -
F-Prot                       2010.11.10              -
F-Secure                9.0.16160.0             2010.11.10              -
Fortinet                     2010.11.10              -
GData                   21                      2010.11.10              -
Ikarus                  T3.             2010.11.10              -
Jiangmin                13.0.900                2010.11.10              -
K7AntiVirus             9.67.2940               2010.11.09              -
Kaspersky                    2010.11.10              -
McAfee                  5.400.0.1158            2010.11.10              -
McAfee-GW-Edition       2010.1C                 2010.11.10              -
Microsoft               1.6301                  2010.11.10              -
NOD32                   5608                    2010.11.10              -
Norman                  6.06.10                 2010.11.10              -
nProtect                2010-11-10.01           2010.11.10              -
Panda                         2010.11.10              -
PCTools                        2010.11.10              -
Prevx                   3.0                     2010.11.11              -
Rising                     2010.11.10              -
Sophos                  4.59.0                  2010.11.10              -
Sunbelt                 7275                    2010.11.10              -
SUPERAntiSpyware             2010.11.10              -
Symantec                20101.2.0.161           2010.11.10              -
TheHacker                  2010.11.10              -
TrendMicro                2010.11.10              -
TrendMicro-HouseCall            2010.11.10              -
VBA32                        2010.11.09              -
ViRobot                 2010.10.30.4121         2010.11.10              -
VirusBuster                  2010.11.10              -

Gambar Terposting

Gambar Terposting

Gambar Terposting

Gambar Terposting

Gambar Terposting

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog01.54

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Rar Repair Tool v4.0.1 Full + Serial

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Posted Image
Anasz Blogs | Rar Repair Tool v4.0.1 Full + Serial | Have you downloaded when the extract had an error (corrupted)? Well, to overcome this I will share tools that can fix the file .rar so that they can be reused. Name of the tool by which I mean is that RAR Repair Tool v4.0.1 Full + Serial. From the name reflects the function of the software right? Mean bloggers have to understand what I mean. Please check.

Posted Image

Compressed archives have long Become the most popular form of data storage and transmission. But there Remains one problem - the integrity of the archive structure of rar files Such That We easily copy to removable media or send over networks. Until recently, file damage, something we can not escape in the process of data transfer and storage, created a potential weakness of rar archives. The new generation of rar repair tools, however, provides a way to fix your corrupted rar files by Applying sophisticated recovery algorithms and powerful rar repair engines.

Many Things can cause file damage. The noise, introduced into downloads by line overload can cause transfer errors and finally corrupt your rar file. Physical damage to removable media can bring Disruption into archive integrity and as a result you will have a rar file in need for recovery. Ordinary rar applications fail to extract archives Whose integrity was disrupted. In case of a rar file damage, it is the cyclic redundancy check, or CRC error, that prevents you from extracting its contents, even if Their part is intact. Instead, a notification Appears, saying "Can not open file: it does not Appear to be a valid archive". When damage prevents you from accessing archives, use Rar Repair Tool v.4.0.1, the state-of-the-art software specifically developed to recover corrupted rar files from damage. Its sophisticated algorithm helps repair rar archive structure and restore data within. The program handles rar repair in the automatic mode, relieving the user of the technical side of the process.Its user-friendly interface makes rar repair but a snap.

Posted Image

All, you will need to set Rar Repair Tool out to work, is simply locate files That need recovery. Then the program engine takes over. It thoroughly scans each archive and Compares its current and original CRC values. The robust rar repair engine of the program allows it to recover rar files Wherever it's possible.

Some rar files can "span" multiple disks, but with Rar Repair Tool v.4.0.1 you can easily recover rar files of any number of volumes. Whatever the number of files is, however They are big, the program's powerful engine ensures fast and accurate Their recovery.

Key Features:

Repairing all versions of both RAR and SFX archives;
Recovery of multi-volume RAR archives;
Recovery of password-protected RAR archives;
Fix CRC error;
Ability to fix rar files of any size (4 Gb and more);
Rar Robust recovery engine;
Full automation of recovery process;
Drag & Drop support;
User-friendly interface.

Posted Image

System requirements:

32 MB RAM or higher recommended
5 MB free disk space
SVGA - minimum of 64K colors (16-bit) recommended
Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2K, XP, Vista

How to Install:

1. Turn off your Internet Connection
2. Setup Rar Repair Tool
3. Fill the SN / Crack It.
4. Enjoy.

Password :

Download Rar Repair Tool v4.0.1Full + Serial

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog05.15

Android Ice Cream Sandwich Skin Pack 3.0 Full Version

Filled under:

Posted Image
Anasz Blogs | Android Ice Cream Sandwich Skin Pack 3.0 Full Version | Skinpack Actually it's freeware, just that I would share here a wrote a great good.Since I am interested in the android, so I share that looks more skinpack Android.Android Ice Cream Sandwich Skin Pack 3.0 for Windows 7 will change the look of windows 7 you will be shades of android. Start from boot, startup, until its icon. Okayjust want to try.

Posted Image

Android Skin Pack is a great way to freshen up the appearance of your Windows 7computer, ESPECIALLY if you are an Android fan.

Posted Image

Android Skin Pack installer has an easy and safe to install option. The installer willchange the look of the system icons, the cursors and the menus and will add a dockbar to your desktop. You can customize every aspect of the interface by accessingthe Options menu of Y'z Shadow, UberIcon and RocketDock.

Posted Image

You should unistall old versions of the other or the skin pack before installing a newversion. Before installing, disable user account controller and close all runningprograms. After the instalation it is recommended to restart your system.

Posted Image

What's New in This Release:

· New theme
· New icons
· New wallpaper
· Update bootscreen

Posted Image

Users are advised to pay attention while installing this ad-supported application:

Offers to change the homepage for web browsers installed in the system
Offers to change the default search engine for web browsers installed in the system
Offers to download or install software or components (Babylon Toolbar) That theprogram does not require to fully function.

Posted Image


Uninstall Skin Pack is installed on your PC (if any)
Used to clean the trash, can use CCleaner.
Create a System Restore restore order in the event of something
Pray before doing anything.

Download Android Ice Cream Sandwich Skin Pack 3.0 Windows 7 x86 
Windows 7x 64 

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog05.13

cheat/hack kamehameha wild ones 2012 terbaru/new

Filled under:

1 yang pertamakamu harus mempunyai t-search (software cheat) yang bisa kamu dapatkan disini

2 pergi ke account wild ones anda baik itu fb maupun playdom
3 setelah terbukanya wild ones dan pergi ke shop weapon dan cari senjata nuke sebab ini yang akan di ubah,klik nuke tapi jangan di beli,(bukan mega nuke atau game over nuke tetapi nuke)
[Image:] 4 lalu buka tsearch dan centang plugin container(mozilla)dan klik hex editor 5x
lalu replace nuke kolom pertama find it lalu klik di kolom kedua kame setelah itu replace all
[Image:] 5 setelah itu klik instan unlock dapetdeh kamehameha lalu refresh deh dan permanen
6 oh ya itu cheat bagi yang belum terbuka senjatanya dan ini tidak memakan treats dan bisa tidak member,..selamat mencoba ya enjoy your game

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog01.35

5 Hacker Cantik Dunia

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Posted Image
Mayoritas ahli hacking didominasi kalangan pria. Tetapi, siapa sangka ternyata banyak juga wanita yang terjun dalam bidang ini. Kemampuan tidak kalah dengan kaum adam. Berikut ini bahasan 5 Hacker Wanita Paling Cantik di Dunia :

#1.Ying Cracker

At last but not least
, Ini dia favorit saya. Ying Cracker, seorang pengajar dari shanghai Cina. Dia mengajar tentang panduan dasar proses hacking, cara merubah IP address atau memanipulasi password kantor! Dia juga ahli dalam membuat software hacker.

Dalam sebuah forum yang berjudul Chinese Hottie Hackers, namanya banyak dibahas dan itu membuat popularitasnya semakin menanjak. Dalam forum tersebut juga dia mempunyai anggota fans yang cukup banyak. Disitulah awal kredibilitasnya melambung

Posted Image Posted Image

Xiao Tian

Teringat dengan kata hacker, biasanya yang terlintas di bayangan adalah seorang kutu buku dengan kaca mata tebal dengan gaya hidup yang acak-acakan. Tapi tidak berlaku untuk Xiao Tian. Dia adalah seorang hacker yang modis. Penampilan dan gaya hidupnya begitu rapi, dinamis bahkan terkesan feminim.

ia juga tertarik sekali dengan dunia fashion, khususnya sepatu. Dalam blog nya dia sering berbagi cerita tentang tempat-tempat yang pernah dia datangi. Itulah alasan mengapa Xiao memiliki banyak fans dan followers di dunia, khususnya para pria.

Xiao Tian, mulai dikenal sejak umur 19 tahun. Setelah membentuk China Girl Security Team, salah satu kelompok hacker khusus wanita terbesar di China. Kiprahnya dalam dunia hacking juga tidak diragukan lagi. Raksasa search engine nomor satu di dunia, Google pun pernah merasakan serangan hebat dari Tian beserta timnya. Xiao Tian melakukan serangan canggih terhadap sistem infrastruktur google China. Bahkan, google akhirnya tidak tahan dan memilih untuk menarik semua layanan operasionalnya di China akibat hantaman hacker yang bertubi-tubi tersebut

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Joanna Rutkowska

Joanna Rutkowska adalah seorang wanita polandia yang tertarik dengan dunia hacking security. Namanya pertama kali dikenal setelah konferensi Black Hat Briefings di Las Vegas, agustus 2006. Dimana saat itu Rutkowska mempresentasikan proses serangan yang telah dia lakukan terhadap sistem keamanan windows vista. Tidak hanya itu, Rutkowska juga pernah menyerang Trusted Execution Technology dan System Management Mode milik Intel.

Awal 2007 dia membentuk Invisible Things Lab di Warsawa, Polandia. Sebuah perusahaan yang berfokus terhadap research keamanan OS juga VMM serta layanan konsultasi keamanan internet. Tahun 2010 juga Rutkowska bersama Rafal Wojtczuk membentuk Qubes, sebuah Operating System yang sangat full protect security. Rutkowska juga pernah memberikan saran terbuka untuk Vice President of Microsoft Security Technology Unit untuk lebih memperketat sistem keamanan dalam windows vista. Waw, Rutkowska memang seorang hacker yang sangat welcome untuk diajak bekerjasama.

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Kristina Svechinskaya

Kristina Svechinskaya adalah seorang mahasiswi New York University yang ditahan pada 2 november 2010 lalu karena telah membobol jutaan dollar dari beberapa bank di Inggris dan Amerika. Bersama 9 orang lainya, Svechinskaya meng-hack ribuan rekening bank dan diperkirakan total fresh money yang telah digasaknya itu sekitar 3 juta dollar.

Svechinskaya beserta tim awalnya menargetkan jumlah uang yang dicurinya adalah sekitar 220 juta dollar. Svechinskaya menggunakan Zeus Trojan Horse untuk menyerang ribuan rekening bank. Dia memiliki setidaknya 5 rekening bank dunia untuk mencairkan dananya. Dalam aksinya itu, Svechinskaya juga melakukan pemalsuan paspor dan untuk itu total dia dituntut hukuman 40 tahun penjara bila terbukti bersalah. Seperti dilihat di gambar, bra yang digunakan gadis cantik ini terbuat dari berlian. Svechinskaya juga mendapat julukan sebagai hacker terseksi di dunia. Ya, karena memang tampilan wajah, tatapan mata dan gaya berbusana Svechinskaya bisa membuat orang-orang tak berkedip.

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Raven Adler

Raven Adler, seorang wanita berpenampilan gothic yang tertarik dengan dunia internet, khususnya dunia hacking. Raven adalah wanita pertama yang pernah hadir dalam konferensi hacker DefCon. Perhatian konferens tentu saja tertuju penuh untuknya. Tapi dia mengaku tidak ingin memanfaatkan gender nya sebagai wanita untuk mendongkrak kredibilitasnya sebagai hacker. Dalam banyak kesempatan pula, dia tidak begitu senang dipanggil dengan sebutan ‘Hacker Wanita’. Dia lebih senang dipandang karena skill nya, bukan karena posisinya yang spesial sebagai seorang wanita.

Saat ini dia aktif mendesign, menguji dan mengaudit sistem detektor keamanan untuk berbagai agen-agen federal besar. Selain itu, di sela-sela kesibukanya dia juga telaten mempelajari ilmu beladiri Ryu Shorin Matsumura.

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Posted By @Ucup_bulldog01.03

Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 Update 19.02.2012 Full Version

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Anasz Blogs | Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 Update 19.02.2012 Full Version | Operating System your PC is in trouble? You are forced to re-install or recovery because windows was broken? Before deciding to re-install and format a hard drive that will culminate in the loss of data, why do not you try to use Kaspersky Rescue Diskrecovery 10 (Update 02/19/2012). With this tool you can scan your PC at a time canbackup your data.

Kaspersky products have already built a name amongst the most powerful security systems remove That viruses, spyware, worms, and other malicious activity from your system.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk is Such a product, with a twist. You can burn the image to a CD, and set it to boot from the CD when using it on an infected CD-ROM drive.
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This tool is very simple to use, and it has a standard and visually-appealing interface.

You simply select the objects Kaspersky has to scan (disk boot sectors, hidden startup objects, or local hard drives), and hit the scan button.

The Rescue Disk will make a report of all malicious objects found in your system, like viruses and Trojans, but also adware and other similar software.

Any found infected files can be quarantined, Disinfected, or removed.

In the Settings menu you can configure the current security level, file types, scan optimization (ie skip files scanned longer than a given number of seconds), archive scanning, installation packages, and others.
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Updates are done on a regular basis, and notifications can be set for malware detection or modifications, obsolete databases, failed tasks, or others.

Our tests enabled the Rescue Disk to discover and remove a few spyware from our systems, but of course it took its time for a full scan.

CPU and memory are fairly used when Kaspersky Rescue Disk is active.

So, if you want an effective way to cleanup the mess left by viruses and malware, use Kaspersky Rescue Disk. It's free!
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Kaspersky Rescue Disk description

Boot from the Kaspersky Rescue Disk to scan and remove threats from an infected computer without the risk of infecting other files or computers.

Burn this ISO image to a CD, insert it into the infected system's CD-ROM drive, enter the PC's BIOS, set it to boot from the CD and reboot the computer.

This lists the Gentoo-specific options, along with a few options That are built-in to the kernel, but that have been proven very useful to our users.

Also, all options start with That "do" have a "no" inverse, that does the opposite. For example, "doscsi" enables SCSI support in the initial ramdisk boot, while "noscsi" disables it. Easily remove the malicious objects from your computer without the risk of getting infected.
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Hardware options:

acpi = on - This loads support for ACPI and also Causes the acpid daemon to be started by the CD on boot. This is only needed if your system requires ACPI to function properly. This is not required for Hyperthreading support.
acpi = off - Completely disables ACPI. This is useful on some older systems, and is also a requirement for using APM. This will disable any Hyperthreading support of your processor.
console = X - This sets up serial console access for the CD. The first option is the device, usually ttyS0 on x86, Followed by any connection options, the which are comma separated. The default options are 9600,8, n, 1.
dmraid = X - This allows for passing options to the device-mapper RAID subsystem.Options should be encapsulated in quotes.
doapm - This loads APM driver support. This requires you to also use acpi = off.
dobladecenter - This adds some extra Pauses into the boot process for the slow USB CDROM of the IBM BladeCenter.
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dopcmcia - This loads support for PCMCIA and Cardbus hardware and also the pcmcia cardmgr Causes to be started by the CD on boot. This is only required when booting from a PCMCIA / Cardbus device.
doscsi - This loads support for most SCSI controllers. This is also a requirement for booting most USB devices, as They use the SCSI subsystem of the kernel.
hda = stroke - This allows you to partition the whole hard disk even when your BIOS is Unable to handle large disks. This option is only used on machines with an older BIOS. Replace hda with the device That is requiring this option.
ide = nodma - This forces the disabling of DMA in the kernel and is required by some IDE chipsets and also by some CDROM drives. If your system is having trouble reading from your IDE CDROM, try this option. This also disables the default hdparm settings from being Executed.
noapic - This disables the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller That Is present on newer motherboards. It has been known to cause some problems on older hardware.
nodetect - This disables all of the autodetection done by the CD, Including device autodetection and DHCP probing. This is useful for doing debugging of a failing CD or driver.
nodhcp - This disables DHCP probing on detected network cards. This is useful on networks with only static addresses.
nodmraid - disables support for device-mapper RAID, Such as that used for on-board IDE / SATA RAID controllers.
nofirewire - This disables the loading of Firewire modules. This should only be Necessary if your Firewire hardware is Causing a problem with booting the CD.
nogpm - This diables gpm console mouse support.
nohotplug - This disables the loading of the hotplug and coldplug init scripts at boot.This is useful for doing debugging of a failing CD or driver.
nokeymap - This disables the keymap selection used to select non-US keyboard layouts.
nolapic - This disables the local APIC on uniprocessor kernels.
nosata - This disables the loading of Serial ATA modules. This is useful if your system is having problems with the SATA subsystem.
nosmp - This disables SMP, or Symmetric Multiprocessing, on SMP-enabled kernels. This is useful for debugging SMP-related issues with Certain drivers and motherboards.
nosound - This disables sound support and volume setting. This is useful for systems where sound support Causes problems.
nousb - This disables the autoloading of USB modules. This is useful for debugging USB issues.
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Volume / Device Management:

dodevfs - This enables the deprecated device filesystem on 2.6 systems. You will also need to use noudev for this to take effect. Since devfs is the only option with a 2.4 kernel, this option has no effect if booting a 2.4 kernel.
doevms2 - This enables support for IBM's pluggable EVMS, or Enterprise Volume Management System. This is not safe to use with lvm2.
dolvm2 - This enables support for Linux's Logical Volume Management. This is not safe to use with evms2.
noudev - This disables udev on 2.6 kernels support. This option requires dodevfs That is used. Since udev is not an option for 2.4 kernels, this options has no effect if booting a 2.4 kernel.
unionfs - Enables support for Unionfs on supported CD images. This will create a writable Unionfs overlay in a tmpfs, allowing you to change any file on the CD.
unionfs = X - Enables support for Unionfs on supported CD images. This will create a writable Unionfs overlay on the device you specify. The device must be formatted with a filesystem Recognized and writable by the kernel.

Other options:

debug - Enables debugging code. This Might get messy, as it displays a lot of data to the screen.
docache - This caches the entire runtime portion of the CD into RAM, the which allows you to umount / mnt / cdrom and mount another CDROM. This option requires you have at least That twice as much available RAM as the size of the CD.
doload = X - This Causes the initial ramdisk to load any module listed, as well as dependencies. Replace X with the module name. Multiple modules can be specified by a comma-separated list.
noload = X - This Causes the initial ramdisk to skip the loading of a specific module Causing That may be a problem. That matches the syntax of doload.
nox - This Causes an X-enabled LiveCD to not automatically start X, but rather, to drop to the command line instead.
scandelay - This Causes the CD to pause for 10 seconds during the boot process Certain portions to allow for devices That are slow to initialize to be ready for use.
scandelay = X - This allows you to specify a given delay, in seconds, to be added to Certain portions of the boot process to allow for devices That are slow to initialize to be ready for use. Replace X with the number of seconds to pause.
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What's New in This Release:

· Options of configuring the network (including Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX) has been enhanced.
· Computer-loading from a USB drive has been improved.
· Boot speed of a distributive has been improved.
· Work in the graphic and text modes has been improved.
· The program modules have been updated.
· The kernel of the operating system has been updated.
· Third-party program packages have been updated.

Your computer system must meet the Following requirements to create and useKaspersky Rescue Disk:

General requirements:
CD-ROM/DVD ROM (to install Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 from the installation CD);
USB socket (to install Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 from a removable boot drive);
CD-ROM/DVD recorder (for recording Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 image);
Support for booting from USB and CD / DVD;
VESA-compatible video card;
Support for file systems FAT32/NTFS/Ext2/Ext3/Ext4/Reiser.
Kaspersky Rescue Disk is not compatible with Mac-based computers.

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2 or higher),
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2 or higher),
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Service Pack 2 or higher):
Intel Pentium 300 MHz processor or higher (or a compatible equivalent).
256 MB free RAM.
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic (32/64 bit),
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (32/64 bit),
Microsoft Windows Vista Business (32/64 bit),
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise (32/64 bit),
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32/64 bit):
Intel Pentium 800 МHz 32 bit (x86) / 64 bit (x64) processor or higher (or acompatible equivalent).
512 MB free RAM.
Microsoft Windows 7 Starter (32/64 bit),
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic (32/64 bit),
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (32/64 bit),
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (32/64 bit),
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (32/64 bit):
Intel Pentium 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) / 64 bit (x64) processor or higher (or a compatibleequivalent).
1 GB of free RAM (32 bit) 2 GB of free RAM (64 bit).

How to Use:

Burn ISO file to DVD
Boot your PC / Laptop via DVD
Later will go to Kaspersky Rescue mode itself. Just wait.


 Download Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 Update 19.02.2012 From MF

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog00.48

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

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