Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

1 HIT All Weapon + Ammo + Akurasi 100% + Lari Cheat

Filled under:

Cheat PB 15 Januari 2012 HIT All Weapon + Ammo + Akurasi 100% + Lari Cheat PB 15012012 !!

Features + Hotkeys :

-1 Hit All weapon (F9)
-ammo (F11),
-Magnet (on F1. Off F2)
-akurasi 100% (auto ON)
-Gravity (numpad 1 = ON. Numpad 2 = OFF)
-Cheatlari (numpad 7 = ON. Numpad 8 = OFF)
-Enemy Fly (F5 ON. F6 OFF)
-Defuse,pasang n invicible kill (Home = ON.END = OFF)

[x] Anti Banned,Anti Program Ilegal (Auto ON)

[x] SysteM Eror PB (F10) |

Tutor :

-1 Hit All weapon (F9)
-ammo (F11)
-Defuse,pasang n invicible kill (Home = ON. END = OFF)
(ON Kan saat Di lobby)
-Magnet (on F1. Off F2) (coba kamu jadi RM pasti Dewa Banget)
-akurasi 100% /l(auto ON)
(Dimana Saja Work)
-Gravity. (numpad 1 = ON. Numpad 2 = OFF)
-Cheatlari (numpad 7 = ON. Numpad 8 = OFF)
-Enemy Fly (F5 ON. F6 OFF)
(On kan saat di pertandingan) | Off Kan saat Selesai pertandingan Usai)
-Anti Banned,Anti Program Ilegal (Auto ON)

TIDAK Di lengkapi FITUR ANti VK , Kalau DI Kick Keluar ja dari room tersebut
, Jangan masuk lagi..
happy cheatting


-Kalau BT coba gunakan metode Flashdisk
-Harus install Net Framework dan Vcredist_x86
-Download D3DX9_38.dll
-Sebelum menggunakan cheat sebaiknya scan dulu gan

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog21.12

New Cheat Ns All Hack

Filled under:

Cheat Ninja Saga All Hack Terbaru !!

Tools :


Tutor :

-Download dulu fiddler
-Kemudian Install Fiddler
-Baru jalankan Fiddler
-Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
-Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
-Jatuhkan, semua .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
-Setelah itu bersihkan chace
-Masuk ke Ninja Saga.
-Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
-Masuk Ke Academy.
-Tinggal pilih Yang Kamu Butuhkan Lalu Klik Buy

Cara Menghapus chace :

-Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK.
-Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas, (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data.

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog21.11

Atm Exp Pns Trbaru

Filled under:

Cheat Atm Xp Nsx [Play Ninja saga] Terbaru !!

Tools :

Tutor :
-Download dulu fiddler
-Kemudian Install Fiddler
-Baru jalankan Fiddler
-Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
-Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
-Jatuhkan, semua .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
-Setelah itu bersihkan chace
-Masuk ke NSX [Play Ninja saga].
-Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
-Masuk Ke Academy.
-Tinggal Ketik Aja Xp yang Kalian Butuhkan.

Cara Menghapus chace :
-Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK. -Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas, (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data.

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog21.09

C.E Trial Bug Version

Filled under:

Nihh.. buat Agan" yg Penasaran sama CE trial bug :

Fitur ::

Added some shortcut keys to the main window. (ctrl+o opens a table, ctrl+s saves, and ctrl+alt+a opens the auto assembler)

Added reinterpretable addresses
Added auto assemble scripts to the auto assembler
Added auto assemble scripts to cheat tables
Added a pointer scanner
Added the ability to define structures
Added address recalculation by module in the standalone trainer as well (for code entries, standard addresses use interpretable addresses)
Added the db 'string' opcode to the assembler
Added the REGISTERSYMBOL and UNREGISTERSYMBOL functions to the auto assembler
Addresses now indicate of a address is in a static address or dynamicly allocated
Added a show checkbox and show hotkey property to the cheatlist in the auto assembler
Added a click handler to seperate cheats in the trainer maker. (clicking enables a cheat)
Made it possible to also use ce's kernel debugger for "change register on breakpoint"
Changed the code finder so it's not modal anymore. (You still can't use multiple at the same time but it'll fix some 'not so' user-friendly problems)
Changed the hyperscan injection method when windows 2000 is detected. should be more stable
Changed the save routines in the memory view to give more options when saving and loading
Fixed some assembler and disassembler bugs
Fixed "force memory to be writable" on PAE enabled systems
Fixed the bug where the module name was not saved in the cheat table of a code entry
Fixed the bug where the first character of the trainer maker user input field got replaced by a ?
Fixed float->unknown initial scan->first scan->exact value not showing the type selection
Fixed find out what ... when using access violations and clicking stop
Fixed invalid reordering of entries after delete of a entry in the trainer maker
Fixed the corrupted title and about text in the generated trainer when protection was enabled
Fixed resizing of the cheatlist after a delete in the trainer maker
Fixed one or two spell errors
Fixed the fullaccess function in the auto assembler
Fixed support for floating points in the trainer maker (difference between , and .)
Moved all symbolhandler code to one class instead of speading it all over the rest of the code
changed the copy/paste of entries to be more stable
Stealth +++


Link :

KaLau Berguna.. jangan Lupa Cendol'y agan",.. +++

Ohh,, yya,, nih SS setting'y..

[URL=[Image: 32556834299504906378610.jpg]

Uploaded with

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog20.56


Filled under:

By SoNz Azure Kazack

Yang pastinya ini untuk GB EXP .....

1.Bikin Room Bm 3 round
2.Pastikan anda Menyewa 2 kompi
3.Yg Buat Cheat RM ct
4.Tero Buat Gbnya
5.Anda Sebagai RM Kalah Sampai 2 Round,Kalau Ga Rm Bunuh Diri 2 kali
6.Pass Sudah Menyampai 2-0
7.baru Suruh Char GB'an mu ke Bomb A
8.Pass Sudah Nympai Harap Jangan Pasang Bomb Dulu
9.Buka RPE Editan Mu
10.oPEN pRoses ChEck List Kernel Modul Yg paling Bawah,Pointblank.exe Inject
11.Truz Start
12.Balik Ke Pb Suruh Char Tero Pasang,Kalau Terdengar Bomb hesbinplanted
13.Kamu Balik Ke RPE Editan Kliik Stop,Kalau Tidak Menumukan Adders sama sekali EXIT POINTBLANK mu Liat Data Pointblank
instal vcredist_x86
14.Kalau Kamu Addres Liat yg Tengah Cari angka 21 YG pErtama Kamu Buka
Kamu Liat Yg tIME 1 gAnti Jadi 1500 , Dan Kamu Liat Di bawah Time yg 1000 Kamu Ganti 2
Truz Kamu Send
Dan LiAT apa Yg terJADi

Link Spe...

Link WM(Win Mode)...

Link VIRTOT...

langsung aja,,tanpa basa-basi...

pertama coba paket ini
1. packet 25 & 12

kalo gak bisa coba paket yg ini..
2. packet 54 & 12

coba deh tu,,,,
kemungkinan besar bisa... jd kalo bisa kasih tau yaa...

ntar kalo berhasil, lo mau share ke tempat lain,,
jgn lupa nama gw di bawa,,,
oke,,,jgn lo bilang lo yg cari....

> Link Cheatnya Harap disimpan sebaik baikx Trial Ampe jam 12 Ntar Malam...

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog20.34

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Anti Ranjau New !!

Filled under:

New trainer,
Kalo di ane work
Ga tau di agan :D

Cara pake seperti biasa..
Ada di dalam program :D



Ga usah sok bener.. Ini bukan virus :D Cuma Cheat Engine!!



Posted By @Ucup_bulldog20.50

Cheat Point Blank Fullhack Replace Weapon Terbaru 14012012

Filled under:

Credit By :
- Egy Brothers

Thanks To :

- Rayden
- All Member N2
- All Member Facing Crew
- All Member Cheater Indonesia

Fiture & Hotkey :

Replace Weapon

[-] Uzzi Slincer : Numpad 1

[-] Famas M203 : Numpad 2
[-] AUG A3 D : Numpad 3
[-] P90 Ext D : Numpad 4
[-] AK 47 FC : Numpad 5
[-] SG Puter : Numpad 6
[-] Reset Weapon : Numpad 0

Fiture Lain2 :

[-] Plant or Defuse : Auto ON
[-] Brutal All Weapon + Speed Hack : ???
[-] Kick Enemy : Auto ON
[-] Exit Process PB : F12

NB :

[-]Kalau BT coba gunakan metode Flashdisk
[-]Harus install Net Framework danVcredist_x86
[-]Download D3DX9_38.dll
[-]Sebelum menggunakan cheat sebaiknya scan dulu

Download : [ Here ]

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog20.32

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Cara Mudah Bikin Antivirus With KAV Capsule

Filled under:

Apakah anda seorang pemula ? ingin belajar coding Antivirus ? ingin instan dengan dan cepat selesai ? Tentunya bercoding antivirus butuh waktu yang cukup lama dan menyita banyak waktu, apa lagi kita masih pemula. Namun tidak usah terlalu khawatir, sekarang sudah ada Capsule yang dapat mempermudahkan kita dalam membuat Antivirus, Capsule yang berbentuk ActiveX ini adalah KAV Capsule 0.1. Yah namanya memang KAV Capsule 0.1, karena ActiveX ini merupakan bagian coding dari Antivirus local yaitu Kendal AV S.E version yang dijadikan sebuaah ActiveX. Walapun pada versi KCapsule 0.1 fungsi – fungsi masih sangat dibatasi.
Dengan adanya KAV Capsule ini diharapkan semua / teman – teman yang ingin belajar dan membuat AV atau sedikit menambah fungsi cek pada Antivirus yang perbah dibuatnya jadi lebih mudah dengan menambahkan Capsule ini pada aplikasinya. Cara menggunakanya tidak terlalu rumit, bahkan sangat gampang. Hanya dengan menambahkan component KAV Capsule pada projek Antivirus,lalu fungsi – fungsi yang telah dibungkus didalamnya bias dipanggil.
Beberapa fungsi yang ada pada KAV Capsule 01. Adalah sebagai berikut
Fungsi Cek KCapsuleX
MeiPattern ‘ untuk cek nilai Ceksum M31 Pattern
IsDoubleExt ‘ untuk cek apakah file double ekstensi
isInfectedAlman ‘ untuk cek apakah file terinfeksi oleh alman (exe)
IsArrs ‘ untuk cek apakah file/program punya pemicu auturun pada drive
isMalScript ‘ untuk cek apakah VBS malscrip atau bukan
Repair_Doc ‘ untuk memulihkan dokumen yang diinfeksi virus yang masuk dalam .doc (beberapa virus bisa ditangani)

Fungsi Rgistry KCapsuleX
CreateKeyReg ‘ membuat key pada registry
DeleteKey ‘ hapus key pada registry
DeleteValue ‘ delete value suatu key pada resgirty
GetDwordValue ‘ mendapatkan value type dword suatu key
GetStringValue ‘ mendapatkan value string pada suatu key
SetDwordValue ‘ mengeset value dword pada key
SetStringValue ‘ mengeset value string pada key

Fungsi Boot
RestartComputer ‘ restart komputer
ShutdownComputer ‘ matikan komputer

Kalo masih bingung prakteknya, silahkan ambil contoh projek pada VB 6.0 yang memanfaatkan ActiveX ini.

Donwload Projeknya [DOWNLOAD] - berntuknya rax
Semoga berguna

Salam Maniz

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog23.33

1 Hit SG+Awp+Pistol+Ammo Global 39.000+1

Filled under:

credit : N3


Posted Image

Features :

[]Hit ShoutGun (ALL SG)
[]AMMO Global No Reloads 39.000++ auto ON
[]1 Hit Pistol
[]ALL Weapon Tapi harus tau Timing/Delay wktu saat menembaknya

Hotkeys :

[-] Home - on

Cara Pakai:

1. open PBLauncher
2. open pb-indo.exe
3. select dll >> inject dll (automatis kelokasi dll yg dituju)


[-]"file dll hidden menghindari reshack"
[-]"jangan Asal maen Kabur Ahbis Download hargailah Postingan TS"
[-]"Cheat di pack dengan enigma protektor untuk bypass HS"

Virus Total:


Download :

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog21.58

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Ls Anti Trap Hacks

Filled under:

Posted Image

  • Anti Trap --- Kebal Terhadap Ranjau
Cara pakai :
  • Buka LS(LostSaga.exe)
  • Buka Cheat
  • Login LS.
  • Saat GameGuard muncul , Tekan F1
  • Jangan Lupa Close Cheat nya !
  • Happy Cheating sobat and Kebal Terhadap Ranjau
Credits :
  • Iwan Fps Crazily CrossKill
Download :
Hidden Content

VT : link

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog22.23

Wallshoot Getar + Plant & Defuse Bom 0 Sec +Brutal Weapon + Auto Headshot Datar

Filled under:

- Egy Brothers

Fiture&Hotkey :

- Wallshot Getar = INSERT : ON / DELETE : OFF
- Brutal Weapon = AUTO ON
- Damage SG
- Pasang Defuse 0 Detik = F11
- Auto Headshot Datar = HOME : ON / END : OFF

NB :

- Jamu Harus Lengkap

Link Download:


Posted By @Ucup_bulldog22.22

HyperSnap 7.11.02 + Portable

Filled under:

Posted Image
HyperSnap 7.11.02 + Portable | 8.3/10.5 MB

HyperSnap is the fastest and easiest way to take screen captures from Windows screen, and text capture (TextSnap-) from places where normal text copy is not possible. HyperSnap combines the power of a first-class screen capture application with an advanced image editing utility - wrapped into one easy-to-use tool! It's perfect for capturing images that you want to include in your Help system, online tutorials, manuals, training handouts, presentations, marketing materials, Web pages, emails and more. Use HyperSnap to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen. HyperSnap is versatile and extremely easy-to-use. You can quickly customize menus and toolbars to fit your needs. Assign your own keyboard shortcuts, create instant toolbars, and even control HyperSnap with voice commands!

Download : Here

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog21.51

Animasi Muncul Dan Sembunyi

Filled under:

Cara membuatnya

Dari Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML.


dibawah ]]></b:skin>
diatas </head>
Hidden Content

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

animatedcollapse.addDiv('nano', 'fade=1,height=80px')

animatedcollapse.addDiv('david', 'fade=1,height=100px')
animatedcollapse.addDiv('michael', 'fade=1,height=120px')

animatedcollapse.addDiv('cat', 'fade=0,speed=700')

animatedcollapse.addDiv('dog', 'fade=0,speed=700,hide=1')
animatedcollapse.addDiv('rabbit', 'fade=0,speed=700,hide=1')

animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){




Induk JQuery, jika sudah ada tidak perlu lagi !.


dibawah <body>
diatas </body>
Hidden Content

<p><b>Contoh 1:</b></p>
<a href='javascript:animatedcollapse.toggle("nano")'><img src='' border='0' /></a>

<div id="nano" style="width: 300px; background: #FFFFCC; display:none">

<p>Hanya Sekedar Contoh saja.....</p>

<p><b>Contoh 2:</b></p>

<a href='javascript:animatedcollapse.toggle("david")'><img src='' border='0' /></a>

<div id="david" style="width: 300px; background: #000; display:none">

<p>Hanya Sekedar Contoh saja.....</p>

<p><b>Contoh 3:</b></p>

<a href='javascript:animatedcollapse.toggle("michael")'><img src="" border="0" /></a>

<div id="michael" style="width: 300px; background: #E7FFCC; display:none">

<p>Terserah agan.....</p>

<p><b>Contoh 1:</b></p>

<a href="#" rel="toggle[cat]" data-openimage="" data-closedimage=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>

<div id="cat" style="width: 400px; background: #BDF381;">

<p>Terserah agan.....</p>

<p><b>Contoh 2:</b></p>

<a href="#" rel="toggle[dog]" data-openimage="" data-closedimage=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>

<div id="dog" style="width: 400px; background: #BDF381;">

<p>Terserah agan.....</p>
<p>Terserah agan.....</p>

<p><b>Contoh 3:</b></p>

<a href="#" rel="toggle[rabbit]" data-openimage="" data-closedimage=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>

<div id="rabbit" style="width: 400px; background: #BDF381">

<p>Terserah agan.....</p>
<p>Terserah agan.....</p>
<p>Terserah agan.....</p>

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog04.22

Pasang BackGround Pada Followers

Filled under:

Posted Image

langsung saja ke tutorialnya.
1.login blogger
2.Dashboard--> Design- ->Edit HTML
3.cari kode ]]></b:skin>
4. masukan kode dibawah SEBELUM kode ]]></b:skin>

#Followers1 h2 {background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll left top;height:32px;margin-bottom:-5px;text-indent:-9999px;}
#Followers1-wrapper {
background-image: url(http:;
color:#555147;width: 290px;height: 320px;);}
.foot-block {
line-height: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important; font-size: 13px !important; color: #5f5f5f !important;
width: 260px;height: 222px;padding: 17px;
-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);} dan liat hasilnya

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog04.18

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

All Hack Ns

Filled under:

Fiddler: Download
SWF: Download

- Clear Cahce dulu..
- Masuk Shop
- Tinggal Pilih deh

-Cheat Ga ada perubahan coba clear cahce

Clear Cahce:
 1. Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools => Options => Advanced -=> Pilih Network Tab => Clear Now => Klik OK
2. Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) => Options => Under the Hood => Clear Browsing Data => Empty the cache =>Clear Browsing  Data

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog23.22

Style Chatt Fb

Filled under:

Buat Chating mu Jadi Lebih Seru! | Trik FB

Serunya Chating di Facebook jika bias membuat kreasi sendiri,
coba lihat gambar di atas,
mungkin kalian sering menemuinya,tetapi tidak mengerti cara membuatnya,
Tidak salah anda kesini,
saya akan share beberapa code untuk membuat chating anda lebih seru,
Silakan copy code di bawah lalu paste pada chat,dan lihat hasilnya,
semoga berhasil,
Good Luck,


[[196920740401785]] - A
[[113544575430999]] - B
[[294715893904555]] - C
[[294660140569858]] - D
[[328415510520892]] - E
[[270221906368791]] - F
[[212614922155016]] - G
[[205633882856736]] - H
[[256255337773105]] - I
[[288138264570038]] - J
[[296999947008863]] - K
[[216672855078917]] - L
[[278786215503631]] - M
[[241341589270741]] - N
[[312524205448755]] - O
[[200138403410055]] - P
[[165410113558613]] - Q
[[203403609746433]] - R
[[334427926570136]] - S
[[250632158335643]] - T
[[285985351447161]] - U
[[343627398996642]] - V
[[315740851791114]] - W
[[136342506479536]] - X
[[224173507657194]] - Y
[[317710424919150]] - Z

[[mahochat]] = Maho
[[243344945733611]] = Repost
[[205827876172490]] = Bingung
[[261018420628968]] = Thumbs
[[328740787138287]] = Nope
[[296027833771776]] = Capede
[[311851138846391]] = Alay
[[203443053077888]] = I LOVE KASKUS


[[266313623412267]] = PENGUIN LINUX
[[191560730921873]] = LOGO GOOGLE CHROME
[[182809565135565]] = LOGO GOOGLE +
[[242070735843795]] = LOGO SNAPTU
[[266910496686186]] = LOGO WINDOWS
[[258958334142268]] = LOGO ANDROID


[[291152600919956]] [[295479677155336]] [[314363058604092]]
[[262834777109378]] [[189006671194968]] [[263319493729810]]
[[251236504943440]] [[287904934588441]] [[185961414833909]]


[[265434590178748]] [[164991926934921]] [[209695692449988]] [[250490361685507]] [[278968458819422]] [[349625665051383]] [[205760419511603]]
[[312189672135533]] [[299788346731384]] [[268532783202434]] [[266669970059695]] [[204170799672068]] [[187204144709527]] [[331078983588306]]
[[149240955184679]] [[206407216112871]] [[240669959335314]] [[180619528702085]] [[347768705240557]] [[186661331430535]] [[218646048216424]]
[[344875905539434]] [[328111047214223]] [[323186421038846]] [[157802940990663]] [[159535350818164]] [[296581710385765]] [[271261609598535]]


[[179756028790264]] [[131478976968398]] [[314076808615174]] [[206240339463055]] [[159403400834378]]
[[200992799990165]] [[196243973803636]] [[270956806292431]] [[346811212001437]] [[328107453874590]]
[[196721100420672]] [[317586898261340]] [[298140226892101]] [[214914048591653]] [[350101681673756]]
[[123765061073750]] [[245710415498757]] [[243298355738272]] [[138812572897166]] [[149419131833071]]
[[158310927607841]] [[310752072297702]] [[316528255036793]] [[335475163146590]] [[221503331260136]]
[[241781875890038]] [[218268384920510]] [[189509191144351]] [[302618756443499]] [[182961465135557]]
[[206151719471944]] [[223223751088260]] [[158685720904140]] [[249080145157161]] [[310957895604838]]


[[159403400834378]] [[297487363621407]] [[1156068411]] [[135921843188987]] [[281219301903813]] [[199562043466774]]
[[295738517127851]] [[155658844536513]] [[209549519130890]] [[142176999226854]] [[246689415397308]] [[199562043466774]]
[[238766052862259]] [[307299595976209]] [[217652968315422]] [[189042331191521]] [[286721874712929]] [[344476392245488]]
[[208520335900424]] [[280378908678680]] [[289772571069549]] [[271456079578545]] [[316530365035101]] [[288356997877538]]
[[291702580880362]] [[165637363538400]] [[150244831751625]] [[241130952627573]] [[120930761357725]] [[325867137432308]]
[[154842501286195]] [[286053358112869]] [[149316288510313]] [[250243511707871]] [[291635414215481]] [[344254632266885]]
[[276412539074685]] [[131586963624296]] [[333374550025341]] [[327570193933422]] [[199699430120687]] [[136021593179546]]


[[222233554520712]] [[155093667926316]] [[159374644168797]]
[[265556180170509]] [[272006802857159]] [[144596118984229]] [[198806320212294]] [[155432547893166]]
[[239088996160999]] [[293626150673074]] [[203611766392684]] [[214124502002999]] [[268692779851733]]
[[181312795299893]] [[269771269745545]] [[189131527848966]] [[121039688013447]] [[347460675267390]]
[[116007985184523]] [[267703239958069]] [[209491689137152]] [[335109106501612]] [[286053824778978]]
[[140147629431094]] [[286265654759471]] [[208524709231940]] [[135568263223992]] [[265887476807116]]


[[331399223556184]] [[286042634779174]] [[330023780360758]] [[329237617088409]] [[204120926342364]] [[131297490319188]] [[289987304385341]]
[[295847560451136]] [[278880668827213]] [[260560750675461]] [[264494386943951]] [[208640915887167]] [[270643856326606]] [[334868623190983]]
[[265844723474789]] [[325742447454304]] [[207587629327321]] [[294223273948603]] [[323449457679402]] [[258622847533513]] [[242014162533924]]
[[306019522772134]] [[267712979948966]] [[301751889864065]] [[213122875437139]] [[164020277032670]] [[158735217564918]] [[261124587284685]]
[[114261558693806]] [[113889888730617]] [[316407155046042]] [[316473595041291]] [[346326392049037]] [[284570571589911]] [[298670736837009]]
[[219939044752270]] [[336155773063546]] [[131032267012645]] [[155856061183812]] [[208532722565686]] [[268249169896142]] [[204863289602546]]


[[331399223556184]] [[286042634779174]] [[330023780360758]] [[329237617088409]] [[204120926342364]] [[131297490319188]] [[289987304385341]]
[[295847560451136]] [[278880668827213]] [[260560750675461]] [[264494386943951]] [[208640915887167]] [[270643856326606]] [[334868623190983]]
[[265844723474789]] [[325742447454304]] [[207587629327321]] [[294223273948603]] [[323449457679402]] [[258622847533513]] [[242014162533924]]
[[306019522772134]] [[267712979948966]] [[301751889864065]] [[213122875437139]] [[164020277032670]] [[158735217564918]] [[261124587284685]]
[[114261558693806]] [[113889888730617]] [[316407155046042]] [[316473595041291]] [[346326392049037]] [[284570571589911]] [[298670736837009]]
[[219939044752270]] [[336155773063546]] [[131032267012645]] [[155856061183812]] [[208532722565686]] [[268249169896142]] [[204863289602546]]


[[67253243887]] - Justin Bieber
[[ladygaga]] or [[10376464573]] - Lady GaGa
[[eminem]] - Eminem
[[zuck]] - Mark Zuckerberg


[[249199828481201]] - Konata Izumi
[[250128751720149]] - Domo Kun
[[223328504409723]] - Gintoki Sakata
[[236147243124900]] - Pokeball
[[326134990738733]] - Pikachu
[[155393057897143]] - Doraemon
[[224502284290679]] - Nobita
[[144685078974802]] - Mojacko
[[334954663181745]] - Spongebob
[[196431117116365]] - Shin chan
[[148935948523684]] - Pedo Bear
[[269153023141273]] - Poring


[[171108522930776]] - Troll face
[[211782832186415]] - Me Gusta
[[143220739082110]] - ARE YOU F4CKING KIDDING ME
[[1680408465586189]] - Feel like a sir
[[169919399735055]] - Not bad Obama
[[142670085793927]] - Mother of God
[[170815706323196]] - Cereal Guy
[[168456309878025]] - LOL Face
[[167359756658519]] - NO Guy
[[14933336846417]] - Yao Ming
[[224812970902314]] - Derp
[[192644604154319]] - Derpina
[[177903015598419]] - Forever Alone
[[148578318584679]] - It's Okay!
[[219611504753863]] - ALL the y
[[305710872791586]] - Impossibruh
[[145768898802324]] - Rage Face
[[309795212383816]] - Watch out, badass
[[129627277060203]] - Poker face
[[105387672833401]] - F4CK YEAH
[[161751797197606]] - CHUCK NORRIS
[[129627277060203]] - POKER FACE
[[100002727365206]] - CHALLENGE ACCEPTED


[[334230636605501]] [[335080033169115]] [[314686231886107]]
[[179637912133385]] [[345951442087087]] [[208631755887293]]
[[297872013591588]] [[317089564978607]] [[341555305870236]]


[[271907092867476]] [[283723885007037]] [[327860897243844]] [[327860897243844]] [[271624196228707]] [[154936547887417]]
[[318243861533088]] [[240416619363543]] [[327860897243844]] [[238634442876406]] [[313359385353119]] [[159993800773468]] [[271907092867476]] [[285167624869191]] [[313359385353119]]


[[159403400834378]] [[350711854942596]] [[181587845273907]] [[158684234236177]] [[351037108247221]] [[200627473361428]]
[[319903324706941]] [[296000840437382]] [[120826078035368]] [[197216497039069]] [[160081354096525]] [[293380127365491]]
[[268119093246586]] [[304021742976441]] [[241231115950237]] [[319494974748104]] [[346830568677550]] [[206278946125685]]
[[165619636871866]] [[327492260603305]] [[212797055468932]] [[331257773559487]] [[219749661438887]] [[298440666864927]]

[[159403400834378]] [[301770873198029]] [[124123621037582]] [[165443303555885]] [[225009720907841]] [[159403400834378]]
[[143280719116554]] [[325784210773649]] [[240857172651089]] [[326582487367063]] [[243056889098166]] [[159403400834378]]
[[100126866775028]] [[344748918884490]] [[198318970262933]] [[264742153562246]] [[156223974480296]] [[199239846833770]]
[[337718332906919]] [[159071504197585]] [[159142267522981]] [[285550151496203]] [[217302108349366]] [[243642895706612]]
[[159403400834378]] [[297037847004108]] [[273779062680713]] [[206014099486621]] [[329969420355991]] [[222842284460715]]

Code Emot
[[345533462139449]] > ;bete
[[308300382542918]] > ;calm
[[309626999060642]] > ;dan2
[[263022747090798]] > ;hai
[[200102950080196]] > ;hwa
[[158227984284324]] > ;mad
[[114550798664378]] > ;mo
[[299734090065127]] > ;omg
[[350421394973827]] > ;shy
[[208296672587372]] > ;doa
[[157844747656241]] > ;etc
[[158207970952008]] > ;groa
[[241721525896214]] > ;grr
[[113519815433465]] > ;hepi
[[239939099411255]] > ;joke
[[346508562029170]] > ;kdip
[[185298018232820]] > ;mbok
[[239249926147852]] > ;phew
[[332418196786941]] > ;shok
[[328430820514942]] > ;tear
[[222287944513884]] > ;we
[[164481350318329]] > ;win
[[330544910308348]] > ;zzz
[[267658843290223]] > ;hoeh
[[180154485416003]] > ;:) 
[[221390677938174]] > ;swet
[[269394746450013]] > ;TT
[[222023621206273]] > ;uhuk
[[346372985378735]] > ;luph
[[187322684697844]] > ;tida
[[208533842565519]] > ;cuih
[[266659030060927]] > ;down

Code emot kaskus di fb
[[243344945733611]] = Repost
[[mahochat]] = Maho
[[203443053077888]] = I Love Kaskus
[[205827876172490]] = Bingung
[[261018420628968]] = Thumbs
[[328740787138287]] = Nope
[[296027833771776]] = Capede
[[311851138846391]] = Alay
[[guengakak]] = Ngakak
[[171108522930776]] = trollface
[[foreveralonecomics]] = forever alone.
[[MegustaMeMe]] = Me Gusta.
[[149333368464171]] = Yao.
[[145768898802324]] = FUUUUUU.
[[168456309878025]] = LoL.
[[FapFapFapFap.B]] = Fap Fap Fap Fap.
[[106043532814443]] = Y U NO.
[[214457085240151]] = Nothing to do here.
[[129627277060203]] = Poker Face.
[[160723207280093]] = Are you f*cking kidding me?
[[ChallengeAceptado]] = challenge Accepted.See More.

Code Lain

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog23.20

Material Hacks

Filled under:

Nih all siang ini Blognya Cheat berbagi cheat empires allies.. tinggal klik untuk mendapatkan berbagai metherial dibawah ini

  1. You will need 2 facebook accounts. A main and a secondary.
  2. Log into your main account.
  3. Right click on the item that you want above and open them in several tabs (at least 10 tabs)
  4. Select your dummy account and choose ‘Send Help Request’ (Do the same with all the other tabs but do NOT click the 2nd ‘Send’ button yet.
  5. Once you have selected "send help request" for all tabs, you can now click "Send Requests" for all the tabs. Close the tab to avoid lag. 

 Credit: Pwnthis

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog23.16

Wallhack + Replace Weapon 11 Januari 2012

Filled under:

Link Chaet : my link

Link Password : my link

Virus total : my link

Virus Scan : my link

Fiture & Hotkey
-Wallhack Perfect Name Auto ON

-1 Hit ALL Weapon
-1 Hit SG
-AMmo 26000 Peluru

-Cheat Lari 5x Lipat Dari Sebelumnya

-Cheat terbang

-Cheat Magnet

-Cheat Anti program ILEGAL Auto ON

-Cheat Replace 10 Weapon (FAMAS,Kriss ,SG Puter,dll) Numpad 0-9

-No Recoil Auto ON

-Pasbom 1 Hit

-???? : END
-???? : HOME
-???? : Page up | Page Down
-???? : F1
-???? : F2
(Saya sarankan jadi Orang jngan penasaran)

Oh iya Kelupaan Ini Ada Invisble Time auto ON(Saat musuh mengira masih Respon , tpi dari kita sudah dapat mengekilnya

Cara PEMAKAIaN LENGKAP Ada Di Injector ,
capek nulis 2x nya,,,(Karena Tutornya Panjang" semua
(Tapi Kami usahakan Untuk Mudah Di pahami Oleh anda semua)

Credit :
Andi Fauzan

Posted By @Ucup_bulldog22.37

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Emoticon Part II

Filled under:

NEW!!! Create Your Own Facebook Chat Emoticons – Unlimited
Create Unlimited Facebook Chat Emoticons
We knew that lot of our visitor seem to be hard on finding and open this page, or memorize the page url address. Even so, in some region, there is a problem on recognize the DNS that make this page can’t be visited. Therefore, for a fast solution about this issue, we gave you an alternative domain to get main resources of Facebook Chat Emoticons codes and lists.
Just VISIT at or type the address in your favorite web browser.
Funny Facebook Trick: @[139385692833517:0] Copy paste to your FB status or comment, and Enter. See what happen :) or use this @[230005120400172:0]
Wanna make your friends smile, just post this “@+[139385692833517:0], Hey! remove +, and enter onto comment below” in your facebook status. ;)

FaceBook Chat Emoticons
Emoticons Shortcut Key Description
like thump up facebook chat emoticons (y) (Y) Like / Thumb Up Facebook Chat Emoticons NEW!!
42 red facebook chat emoticon :42: 42 Red Number FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon angel O:) O:-) Angel FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon confused o.O O.o Confused FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon cry :'( Cry / Tears Eye FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon curly lips :3 Curly Lips Facebook Emoticon / cute / cat-like
facebook chat emoticon devil 3:) 3:-) Devil / Satan / Vampire FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon frown :-( :( :[ =( Frown / Sad FaceBook Chat Emoticon
Facebook Chat Emoticon Gasp :-O :O :-o :o Gasp / Surprise FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon glasses 8-) 8) B-) B) Glasses / Blue Glasses FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon grin :-D :D =D Grin Facebook Chat Emoticon (Big Smile)
facebook chat emoticon grumpy >:( >:-( Grumpy FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon heart <3 Heart / Love FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon kiki ^_^ Kiki FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon kiss :-* :* Kiss Facebook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon pacman :v Pacman Facebook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon penguin <(") Penguin Facebook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon chris putnam :putnam: Putnam (Chris Putnam) Facebook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon robot :|] Robot Facebook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon shark (^^^) Shark FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon smile :-) :) :] =) Smile Facebook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon squint -_- Squint FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon sun glasses 8-| 8| B-| B| Sun / Black Glasses FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon tongue :-P :P :-p :p =P Tongue FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon unsure :/ :-/ : :- Unsure Facebook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o Upset FaceBook Chat Emoticon
facebook chat emoticon wink ;-) ;) Wink FaceBook Chat Emoticon
Suggestion for the next added facebook chat emoticons (missing)
We thought that the available Facebook Chat Emoticons above still missing the emoticons that we should had, For example money face/money eyes (like this one Face Eyes Money –ym emoticons hidden– with $-) or :$ shortcut keys code) a.k.a Dollar face still unavailable (no dollar face in fb chat emoticons). If you had another suggestion about next (future) fb emoticons that should add, just make a comment please.
Just a word of Facebook Chat Emoticons
Instant Messenger without Emoticons is like Racket without Shuttlecock. Facebook chat (one of the most popular social networking), we knew, he add some of library of cute emoticons to make our chat in Facebook more “emotion”.
To create facebook emoticon (sometimes we can called as facebook faces emotion) you need to know the shortcut key codes of each of emoticon (all The Emoticons in FaceBook Chat been Hidden / Secret that why its called Secret Hidden FaceBook Chat Emoticons. Just located the symbol (shortcut key) to your text field IM window in Facebook chat and then press enter. Just like Emoticons in Yahoo Messenger and also Emoticons in Skype.
You can also use these FaceBook Chat Emoticons in your Blog / Website such as Blogger aka Blogspot, WordPress, Live Journal, Multiply, Blogsome and many more. Read our Tutorial here: Use / Add Insert FaceBook Chat Emoticon in Blog / Website (Blogger, WordPress, Live Journal) – Quick Tutorial
Facebook Status Emoticons Animation Application
Emoticons in Facebook Status Facade

You can also use an Emoticons Animation in Facebook Status by using Facade FB Application or using Text Effects Facebook Chat Smiley Emoticons Symbols
Another character that can be used in Both FaceBook Status Message and Chat / Messenger
FaceBook Chat Symbols Art
Art Symbol Description Art Symbol Description
ƸӜƷ Butterfly Peace Sign
(●̮̮̃•̃) Panda Face ♩♪♫♬ Music Note
Cross Sign Phone
Yin Yang Crown
Empty Star Full Star
Heart Diamond
Black Heart Cloud
Sun Umbrella
Female Male
♐☎☏☪☚☛☻☺☹ Others 1 ♼♽♻♺♹♨♧♥♤♣ Others 2
♲♳♴♵♶☃☝☞☟♎♰ Others 3 ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ ☺ђέ«{^⌣^}»ђέ☺ ツ ッ Mimic
๏̯͡๏ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ Faces 1 ㅤ⋋⏝⋌ㅤ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(×̯×)۶(╥_╥) Faces 2
“”̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿”" (ˇ_ˇ’!l) Cowboy with two guns (•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿”” Boy with a Gun
╔═══╗ ♪
║███║ ♫
║ (●) ♫ ♪
Sound System Music ☻/
┌─┐ ─┐☮
│▒│ /▒/
│▒ /▒/─┬─┐
Peace Sign Hand ♥ (●̮̮̃•̃)●̮̮̮̮̃̃•̃̃)
♥ /█\ /█\
♥ ||_ ||_♥
Two Lover
facebook ascii art symbols
Just copy paste the code of Facebook Chat Art Symbols above to your facebook status message or facebook chat window. If you want more about this character, you can just open from your window Character Map: Start Program >> All Program >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Character Map. Usually Webdings, Wingdings, Wingdings3 or Wingdings2 are the unique character that you want. We can called it as ASCII Art because the combination symbols above is an ASCII that sized to create an Art. For ASCII Art that allow you to send via Instant Message of Yahoo Messenger or MySpace IM you can use Art Sender.
If you want to know all the character via web online, you can visit here: Free Online Character Map
FB ASCII Art for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012
Example on using in Facebook Status. 2012

(If you browser got error / problem on viewing the art style below, we recommend to use Mozilla Firefox instead. For Facebook: Just Copy paste the “art letter” to your Facebook Status):

╔╦╗════════╔═╗═════╔╦╗══════╔═╦═╦═╦═╗ ║╩╠═╦═╦═╦╦╗║║╠═╦╦╦╗║║╠═╦═╦╦╗╠═║║╠╗╠═║ ║╦║╬║╬║╬║║║║║║╩╣║║║╠╗║╩╣╬║╔╝║═╣║║║║═╣ ╚╩╩╩╣╔╣╔╬╗║╚╩╩═╩══╝╚═╩═╩╩╩╝═╚═╩═╝╚╩═╝ ════╚╝╚╝╚═╝══════════════════════════

╓╥╖────────╓─╖─────╓╥╖──────╓─╥─╥─╥─╖ ║╨╟─╥─╥─╥╥╖║║╟─╥╥╥╖║║╟─╥─╥╥╖╟─║║╟╖╟─║ ║╥║╫║╫║╫║║║║║║╨╢║║║╟╖║╨╢╫║╓╜║─╢║║║║─╢ ╙╨╨╨╢╓╢╓╫╖║╙╨╨─╨──╜╙─╨─╨╨╨╜─╙─╨─╜╙╨─╜ ────╙╜╙╜╙─╜──────────────────────────
╒╤╕════════╒═╕═════╒╤╕══════╒═╤═╤═╤═╕ │╧╞═╤═╤═╤╤╕││╞═╤╤╤╕││╞═╤═╤╤╕╞═││╞╕╞═│ │╤│╪│╪│╪││││││╧╡│││╞╕│╧╡╪│╒╛│═╡││││═╡ ╘╧╧╧╡╒╡╒╪╕│╘╧╧═╧══╛╘═╧═╧╧╧╛═╘═╧═╛╘╧═╛ ════╘╛╘╛╘═╛══════════════════════════

┏┳┓━━━━━━━━┏━┓━━━━━┏┳┓━━━━━━┏━┳━┳━┳━┓ ┃┻┣━┳━┳━┳┳┓┃┃┣━┳┳┳┓┃┃┣━┳━┳┳┓┣━┃┃┣┓┣━┃ ┃┳┃╋┃╋┃╋┃┃┃┃┃┃┻┫┃┃┃┣┓┃┻┫╋┃┏┛┃━┫┃┃┃┃━┫ ┗┻┻┻┫┏┫┏╋┓┃┗┻┻━┻━━┛┗━┻━┻┻┻┛━┗━┻━┛┗┻━┛ ━━━━┗┛┗┛┗━┛━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


Use Art Styles in Facebook Nickname / Status
Art Style on Facebook Nickname
If you like to use in your nickname or in your facebook status, this facebook symbols below might be help you alot. Just check it then just copy paste to you nickname editor or comment or status message of yours.
FaceBook Symbols Art Styles
Description Facebook Symbols Art styles
Face 1 ⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠
Face 2 ⓿⏝⓿
Face 3 ⎝⎝⎲⎵⎲⎠⎠
Apple Ѽ
Face 4 ⎝⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎠
Hooraay!! ƪ(‾ε‾“)ʃ
Face 5 ⁰₋⁰⁻⁻⁻⁻⋋⁰⏝⁰⋌⁻⁻⁻⁻⁰₋⁰
Tape Karaoke Speaker ılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılı
Home __̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡.__
Face 6 ⎛〤⏟〤⎞ ☀_☀
Cigarette / Smoke / Cigar (̅_̅_̅_̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅_̅()ڪے~ ~
Face 7 ⎞□◣▂◢□⎛ ⎞⋋⏝⋌⎛
Face 8 ⎝⋟⏝⋞⎠ Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡
Face 9 ⎝⋆⏝⋆⎠
Face 10 ⎝⋏⏝⋏⎠
Face 11 ⎝’⏠’⏝’⏠’⎠
Face 12 ♌⌣__ ⌣♌
ha ha hi hi ho ho he he ♓ã² =D ♓î² :D ♓ü² :> ♓é² :p ♓õ² =))
Love Love Love l ̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]l ̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]l ̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]l
Ha ha ha =))Haнaɑº°˚˘˚°º≈•=))нaнaɑº°˚˘˚°º≈•=))
Hwkwkwkwkw »̶ː̗̀ω̲̮̲̅͡к̲̮̲̅͡ː̖́ː̗̀:Dω̲̮̲̅͡к̲̮̲̅͡ː̖́B)ː̗̀ω̲̮̲̅͡к̲̮̲̅͡ː̖́B)ː̗̀ω̲̮̲̅͡к̲̮̲̅͡ː̖́:Dː̗̀ω̲̮̲̅͡к̲̮̲̅͡ː̖́«̶
Ho ho ho Ho’O:Oº°˚˚°ºo:Oohh:O
He he he :Dħεε♥ħзз♡ħεε♥ħзз:D or ђέђέђέ«{^⌣^}»ђέђέђέ:D
Face 13 \ε(♥⌣♥)з/
He he he 2 ◦⌣°◦Hз•☺•hз•☺•hз◦°⌣◦°
Ka ka ka :p°˚°º◦°˚°ºªKªªKªº°˚°º◦°˚=))
Hiks Hiks ♓ίĸšºš§§º°˚˚°º♓ίĸšº°˚˚°ºš§§…… :’(:’(:’(
FaceMoods: Facebook Chat Moods Emoticons Smiley Animation
facemood smiley animation
If you are a Firefox User, you can try an enhancement of Emoticons Smileys Animation on facebook chat by using FaceMoods Firefox add ons. You can make animation mood emoticons or symbols animation like call me, shy, peace sign, clapping and much more (see the image above).
Add and Install FaceMood
Facebook Chat Emoticons JS (Java Script) Source Code / Emote Map
emotemap facebook chat
We experiment a little examination using Firebug to figure out the source code of Java Script of Facebook Chat Emoticon. For emote map of Facebook Chat Emoticons just see the image above (click the image to enlarge). And finally here are source code at _init function() results:

According to the name of Facebook Chat Emoticons above, we got miss-named about curly lips. In those JS code said that it collonthree not curly lips.
FaceBook Chat Emoticons FireFox Add Ons: FB Chat Set Emoticons
facebook chat add ons firefox browser
We found the fastest way to use FaceBook Chat Emoticons that you don’t need to remember each of Shortcut Key symbols of FaceBook Chat Emoticons. By using FaceBook ChatBar FireFox AddOns you can add FB Emoticons without need to type manually its shortcut key. Just click the emoticons that you want and then it’s will automatically appears in your FaceBook Chat.
Remember you need FireFox Browser and also FaceBook Chat Bar FireFox Add Ons.
FaceBook Status Symbol Application
facebook status symbols
If you got the error for Superman, Charlie, Sound System, you need to copy paste each line of the character and the Hold SHIFT Button and Press ENTER (that would make space line break) and then copy paste the line character below of its.
This trick works well in comment or wall but not in home status message. If you want to make it able to Status Message use FaceBook Status Symbol Application
facebook symbols messengeroo text art
The image above is the result from the FaceBook Status Symbol Application, you can also add it manually by copy paste the Symbol from FaceBook Status Symbols Application Editor to your FaceBook Status. Here are the example:
messengeroo facebook status
Note: the Symbols Status Art like above only work in your Wall Profile and Comment (not home feed or home status). Its works properly in Wall of Facebook Groups.
Creating Symbols Art Block Text / Word for FaceBook Status / FaceBook Chat
status symbols fb
Creating Art Block Text Word like above, you can use Feed >> Symbols >> Choose Lines & Geometric and it take few times to create those Art coz its created manually! For Example, if you like to create LOVES text word, then here are the steps that you should do:
╔╗╔═╦╦╦═╣═╣ ◀ Create First Line then,
║╚╣║║║║╩╬═║ ◀ Second Line then,
╚═╩═╩═╩═╩═╝ ◀ Third Line

Text Art in Your FaceBook Profile
Btw, you can also use this text art into your facebook profile!
fb text art profile
Here another text art chained / combined with music symbol:
╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥
You can also make upside down text (further explanation about upsidedown text can be found at the bottom of this article) by click Turn Button and Styled your Text by Clicking Styles.
Superman Text:


Facebook Chat Tricks: Make Facebook Chat Invisible Status
facebook chat invisible status
You want to set your Facebook Account Invisible to someone and the others appears visible or Online? You can read our tutorial how to Make Facebook Chat Invisible Status
Upside down text in FaceBook Status
If you want text message in facebook got upside down / flipped like this “ooɹǝƃuǝssǝɯ snʇɐʇs ʞooqǝɔɐɟ uı ʇxǝʇ uʍop ǝpısdn”
If you looking for how to create upside down text message or flip text in FaceBook Status just like the example that we gave you above, you can find the tutorial at here: Make Upside Down / Flip Text Status Message in FaceBook
Thanks to animal for this tricks.
Facebook Chat Desktop Client on Jabber / XMPP Client: iChat n Pidgin
facebook chat xmpp and jabber
On the mid of February 2010, Facebook announced that Facebook Chat can be connected by using Jabber / XMPP Client. This means, any of you that recently installed or used Jabber client in your computer desktop, you can also used Facebook Chat on it. All you have to do just setup the Facebook Chat setting on them.
For iChat (Mac Chat Client Desktop Users) you can follow our instruction to use Facebook at here: Use Facebook Chat on iChat. For Pidgin (Multi IM Client for Linux, Mac, and Windows | formerly GAIM) you can read our tutorial to setup Facebook Chat in Pidgin here.
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Keywords: facebook chat symbols, facebook icons, fb chat emoticons, facebook chat tricks, fb emoticons, facebook chat emoticons, how to make faces on facebook chat, simbol fb

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Posted By @Ucup_bulldog03.48