Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Material Hacks

Filled under:

Nih all siang ini Blognya Cheat berbagi cheat empires allies.. tinggal klik untuk mendapatkan berbagai metherial dibawah ini

  1. You will need 2 facebook accounts. A main and a secondary.
  2. Log into your main account.
  3. Right click on the item that you want above and open them in several tabs (at least 10 tabs)
  4. Select your dummy account and choose ‘Send Help Request’ (Do the same with all the other tabs but do NOT click the 2nd ‘Send’ button yet.
  5. Once you have selected "send help request" for all tabs, you can now click "Send Requests" for all the tabs. Close the tab to avoid lag. 

 Credit: Pwnthis

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